Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Koobface Virus attacks Friendster Users

Koobface, which already made the rounds on MySpace, Facebook and is now worming its way through Friendster . The Koobface virus uses Friendster's private messaging system to infect computers via a shared video.

Friendster users are under attack from a virus sweeping through the online social network. The virus is technically a trojan worm that disguises itself as a message from a registered friendster user.

Once the virus is installed, it will try to grab sensitive data off your PC, like credit card numbers.

I was one of the victims of Koobface virus. I was enticed to click on a misspelled video or picture link that directs to a malicious web site. A video link (shared by an infected friend) was send with the message, "You look just awesome in this new movie." Clicking the link lead me to an outside site where I was told that I need to download a Flash update, which is actually a virus file. The message came from my elder sister. When I happened to read about Koobface, I immediately scanned my computer and there I found out huge numbers of Virus threats in my computer such as Trojan worm, Malware and other viruses . Now, my computer is protected from the virus.Thanks to Avast and Bit Defender anti-virus softwares!

Any way this is a very old virus; it operates much like mass-mailing worms that used to infest Usenet and e-mail lists. But it's proving an effective tactic on social networks where private messages from friends seem more trustworthy than traditional e-mail, which even the most neophyte web users have come to distrust.

In the mean time, the best way to avoid Koobface is to adhere to the tried and true rule of internet safety: never open unexpected e-mail attachments, videos or other links, even if they are from someone you know.

Should your PC be infected the Koobface worm, then it is best to change your password in your friendster account and running updated anti-virus software to purge the worm from your system.

Friendster must take actions to eliminate and prevent this virus from spreading towards its users!!


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